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Pakistan best placefor travelling

Here are six fine photographs of high-altitude wetlands in Pakistan, illustrating a number of characteristic features of this wetland type. The pictures were sent to the Ramsar Bureau by WWF-Pakistan, which supplied the captions, and the photos were all taken by Hassan Zaki. pakistan-wwf1.jpg (54259 bytes) Peripheral, peat-lined lake adjacent to Karumbar Lake in the upper Karumbar Valley, Northern Areas, Pakistan (elevation 4,150 meters [13,615 feet]). Background: Karakoram and Hindukush mountains. pakistan-wwf2.jpg (46257 bytes) Extensive peat bog south of Lashkargahaz, Chitral District, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (elevation 3,649 meters). Background: Hindu Raj Range. pakistan-wwf3.jpg (43342 bytes) A peat-lined tributary of the Yarghoon River near Lashkargahaz, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan (elevation 3,649 meters) pakistan-wwf4.jpg (46941 bytes) The braided bed of the Yarghoon River, north of Lasht, Chitral District, Pakistan (elevation 3,200 meters). Background: Hindu Raj Range. pakistan-wwf5.jpg (39570 bytes) Broghil Lake on the divide between Chitral and Ghizer Districts in Northern Pakistan. Background: Hindu Raj Cordillera. pakistan-wwf6.jpg (29461 bytes) Peat bog on Deosai National Park, Northern Areas, Pakistan (elevation 4,188 meters). Background: Himalayas.


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